As the Russia-Ukraine conflict drags on, a meme war has broken out on the home front between the American media and the people of the Internet.The media deploys memes to build support for further military intervention, while the people counter-meme in service of peace and prosperity.The stakes are nothing less than the American mind itself. Let's take a look at what all the fuss is about.
THIS Is Why Dogecoin Is The Current Thing
THIS Is Why Dogecoin Is The Current Thing
THIS Is Why Dogecoin Is The Current Thing
As the Russia-Ukraine conflict drags on, a meme war has broken out on the home front between the American media and the people of the Internet.The media deploys memes to build support for further military intervention, while the people counter-meme in service of peace and prosperity.The stakes are nothing less than the American mind itself. Let's take a look at what all the fuss is about.